About me

Hello! I'm a web developer based in Houston, Texas. I have a passion for creating websites and a strong commitment to learning more about web development. My driving force is turning ideas into reality through coding, and I'm continually exploring the ever-evolving world of modern web development.


html HTML
css CSS
javascript JavaScript
Tailwind CSS

Personal Projects

Expense Tracker

A full-stack web app for managing expenses, built with Next.js and TypeScript. It features secure user authentication via Clerk, a responsive design styled with Tailwind CSS, and uses Prisma with a PostgreSQL database for efficient data management.

Japanese Study Tool

an interactive quiz application to help users master Japanese characters. Built with Vite for a streamlined development process and React for dynamic user interface management. Styled with CSS for a clean, user-friendly design, the app provides an engaging and effective way for users to improve their Japanese language skills.

Quizzicle (Quiz Game)

Quizzicle is a React-based quiz game. This frontend web application leverages an API to source questions from the OpenDB database.

Countries Info App

Developed a dynamic web application that provides detailed information on countries worldwide, utilizing the REST Countries API for data retrieval. It is built with Next.js and styled with Tailwind CSS. The project is built with TypeScript for type safety and reliability, while React Hooks such as useState and useEffect manage state and handle data fetching seamlessly.

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out and send me an e-mail or fill out the form below, and I will get back to you.